Tuesday 11 September 2012

Roundabout - Moving Image & Fine Art

Media/ Moving Image - Jamie Holman

Jamie showed us a youtube clip of two artists who are well known for their experimental films. Len Lye - Kaleidoscope 1935:

It impressed me how the shapes were overlapping. I especially like the film near the end where they scratched away at the media they used in a continuous curvy line.

You've to plan out your drawings in each frame so that they show on film for the length of time you want. There are 24 frames for one second of film.

Stan Brakhage - Mothlight 1963:

I preferred this film clip because they used broken moth wings which are so delicate and detailed to  experiment with form and light.

I produced a piece of scratch film that explores the themes and techniques of drawing and light. I used a 6ft length piece of 16mm clear film and explored mark making using felt tips, ink, stamps and a pen with inspiration from the video's:

Using permanent marker, smudging orange ink and pen. I tried to scratch away some areas of the marker away where it is shown in pink.

Starting point. I want to use this media in future projects.

Richard Cross - Over-painted photographs

I picked a variety of photographs to work acrylic paint over the top.

This was a picture from a calendar of a townscape. I pulled the paint across using a ruler and scratched away some of the paint.

I painted around the goats because I wanted to outline their shape.

I think I overworked it with the paint.

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